Incident Context

Complete incident context, total visibility

Incident context provides responders with a comprehensive overview at a glance, combining severity, priority, and affected services to quickly clarify the current status of all services involved.

Incident Context Description
Repeated and Suppressed Incidents

Repeated and suppressed incidents metrics

Repeated metric: Track how often a specific incident repeats, providing crucial context for responders and aiding in faster resolutions.

Suppressed metric: The suppression engine intelligently reduces noise by filtering out continuous alerts from integrations until the issue is resolved. This approach allows your team to focus on fixing problems without the distraction of unnecessary alerts, thereby reducing alert fatigue.

Incident Severity and Priority

Severity and Priority

Responders can set persistent severity & priority for incidents. This influences escalation policies and alert rules to route critical alerts or notify via chatops. Severity is also automatically derived directly from incident payloads

Severity levels: SEV1 to SEV3

Priority levels: P1 to P5

Insights for Incident Context

Instant Incident Context

Instanly access detailed timestamps and affected services for any incident at a glance

Additional Features

Incident Context Additional Features

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