Hello World πŸ‘‹

It feels great writing this. It's hard to believe that we have been working on Spike.sh full-time for 3 years now. It's been the most rewarding experience of my life. A big thank you to all of our users and your constant feedback, which has only made Spike.sh better month on month.

We are -

  1. Completely bootstrapped
  2. Small team
  3. We are all Incident Management nerds

Over the years, we have always kept our heads down and built. During this entire process, we have learnt a huge deal of things when it comes to incidents and how they are being managed.

In one of our recent calls (speak with us), one of our users asked how to get started Β with incident management and we ended up discussing this for long period of time. The lack of a single place for our opinions, advancements, and ideas around incident management is definitely missing.

And so..

We are starting a blog !!

This blog is a small space for us to express our ideas, opinions, guides, and experiments on Incident Management. It's a rare thing to be nerdy of in reality but we have been on-call ourselves for many years and we still are, week on week.

Okay enough, let's got to the good stuff -

I am thinking we personalise this space. All the blogs from here on will be named as a theory or like the title of a published paper. We all liking reading some papers as much as the next guy but the posts will be super simple so anyone can read it.

Here are some examples -

  1. Our social media resurgence - setting up our own space on social media.
  2. The incident context accumulation - how we build up the incident context for an incident.
  3. The on-call conundrum - Who is on-call and when. There's always some confusion and how are we looking to solve this problem
  4. The overwhelming alerts syndrome - too many alerts can be overwhelming. Solving for this problem and keeping un-needed alerts at bay!

Next, all the images (not the content) will be generated by an AI. We have been tinkering around multiple AIs and they are absolutely amazing. Instead of patching up some rectangles together on figma ourselves, we are going to patch some rectangles with an AI generated image instead.

Stay tuned and welcome to our little corner of the internet.